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'00' flour is perfect for pizza and ____ dough.
Purified oils that are heated and then injected with hydrogen.
Most common type of eggs used in baking.
Type of flour milled from hard spring wheat.
A one-celled fungus that multiplies quickly when in a warm, moist environment, used for baking bread.
In baking there are 3 types of leavening agents...physical, chemical and ______.
A combination of baking soda (alkaline), cream of tartar (acid), and starch (prevent caking).
Also known as sodium bicarbonate.
Almond and rice flour are free from _____.
Type of flour that is similar to cake flour but slightly stronger with more gluten. Its color is more off-white.
Sugar that is also called table sugar.
Has a leavener added to the flour.
Type of flour that is mix of soft and wheat that has 12% gluten content.
Cream that is removed from whole milk and then churned.
Type of flour that is Ideal for making homemade cakes as it has a lower protein content and makes a lighter, softer textured baked good.
Type of sugar that is made from a mixture of white sugar and molasses.