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Patient Safety Week Puzzle

You must place a__________ on all medications when removing from the original container.
What color arm band and socks signifies that a patient is a fall risk.
_____Hygiene is the most effective way to prevent hospital-associated infections.
______________ must be done to ensure an accurate and current list of all medications is available to caregivers
Critical test _______ must be relayed in a timely manner according to policy.
_______________is responsible for patient safety. This includes the healthcare team, physicians, support services, patients, and families.
This should occur in the Operating Room prior to a surgery/procedure to confirm correct patient, correct site, and correct surgery/procedure.
_____thinner medications put patients at high risk of bleeding after a fall and can result in great harm or death.
_________Communication is between caregivers upon shift change or transfer to another unit/facility.
The use of an Indwelling urinary catheter ______________the risk of infection.
____________Mental Status from any cause is a known fall risk.
Number of patient identifiers used when providing safe care.