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Is. 47 Jer. 51 Babylon Will Fall

Is 47:6 "you showed them no __"
Is. 47:13 means, to look intently upon
Jer. 51:58 "Babylon shall be __ to the ground
Is. 47:1 another name for the Babylonians
Jer. 51:61 means, to utter aloud
Is. 47:5 "no more shall you be called __ of Kingdoms"
Is. 47:9 means, to charm by sorcery
Is. 47:14 leftover stalks of grain plants
Jer. 51:60 the actual ancient form of a book
Is. 47:9 how much time it took for Babylon to fall (2 words)
Is. 47:10 "you said in your __, I Am ..."
Rev. 18:2 "__ __ is Babylon the Great"
Is. 47:14 "No __ for warming oneself"
Jer. 51:63 cast the book into this river
Is. 47:11 spell 'live' backwards
Is. 47:4 a title for the LORD God
Is. 47:1 name of city God will destroy
Jer. 51:59 Name of Quartermaster
Is. 47:1 "sit in the ___"
Jer. 51:64 means, to descend below the waters surface