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St. Patrick's Day Crossword

Third month of the year
A 5th century bishop and missionary
A Musical instrument with reed pipes
A way to express wishes of success
A block of limestone in Blarney Castle that people kiss.
A wooden walking stick or club
A Western island of the British Isles
A very well known retold story
Major port and capital of Ireland
Flat, round Metal used as money
Enchanted, eerie, andmysterious
A clover-like plant
A large amount of illusory money
An island comprised of Ireland and N. Ireland.
A soft wet spongy and muddy ground
A language group including Irish, Scottish, Welch, etc
A lively dance with leaping
A 3 or 4 lobed green plant
A color of emeralds
An arch of color in the sky caused by refraction and water droplets