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Cybersecurity Chapter 2

An attempt to convince a person to take some sort of action by impersonating a trustworthy party that reasonably may ask the user to take such action.
attacks that target a specific party.
Criminals use automated tools that try all possible passwords until they hit the correct one.
situations in which an attacker takes over the communications between two or more parties.
Manipulating data in transit or as it resides on systems of their targets.
Stand-alone pieces of malware that replicate themselves without the need for hosts in order to spread.
Instances of malware that, when executed, replicate by inserting their own code into computer systems.
a system is expecting some sort of input from a user, but instead of submitting such input, an attacker submits malicious material such as code.
The process of removing data from systems.
Malware that demands that a ransom be paid to some criminal in exchange for the infected party not suffering any harm.
Malware that is either disguised as no malicious software or hidden within a legitimate, nonmalacious application or piece of digital data.
: Spear phishing that targets high-profile business executives or government officials
the computer connected to a network that has been compromised by the hacker.
software toolkits that allow attackers to perform unauthorized activities at a privileged level on a compromised computer.