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Unit 6

A collection of plats kept at the county clerk’s office
Local laws or regulations that implement the comprehensive plan by regulating zoning and land use.
The absorption rate of soil for a septic drain field; determined through percolation test.
The absorption of soil for a septic drain field; determined through a percolation test
When the govt. takes private property but fails to compensate the owner.
Establishing specific classifications for land that impacts how land may be used.
A development with mixed zoning uses, commonly commercial and residential
The taking of a property under eminent domain
The act of allowing a specific property to be zoned differently from adjacent properties.
Permission to use the land for a purpose prohibited by current zoning restrictions
A map which shows the location of a piece of property in context to its adjoining lots, roads and landmarks.
A use that no longer conforms with new or changed zoning; its use is allowed through the concept of grandfathering.
Allows a property to be used in a way that isn’t really in accordance with zoning regulations.
Specific style or architecture of buildings in an area in order to preserve charm, feel, etc.
Untreated wastewater discharged onto land surface, streams, and creeks.
The area of a floodplain where water flows during a flood.
Designates special zoning districts over existing zones, typically to protect special features or areas
A use that doesn’t confom to zoning regulations which may impact surrounding owners.
A permitted deviation from zoning
Land that’s been or is being developed and is divided into lots
The rules of an association