Something a person or company owns.
This factor is found by dividing the new by the original. Also, you multiply this factor times the original to dilate a shape.
When using the simple interest formula, t must be in these.
When this shape's interior angles are added together they total 180 degrees.
The number that appears most frequently in a list or data set.
The middle of an ordered list of numbers.
The comparison of two equivalent ratios.
Something a person or company owes.
This is located at (0,0) on the coordinate plane.
This is the measurement of the outside edge of a circle.
These angles total 180 degrees when they are added together.
This cuts a circle in half.
Represented by m in y=mx+b, it can be found by dividing the rise by the run.
This special rate has a denominator of 1.
You should do this with every question before you try to find the answer. Then you should do it again to make sure you answered the question being asked.
Same size, same shape, same measure.
This theorem only works for right triangles.
These figures have the same angles, proportional sides, and are a different size.
This type of surface area excludes the base(s).
This is a number that stands alone in an equation.