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Wit and Wisdom Focusing Arc 1

Importance. This word is usually used to explain a result of negative behavior. For example, missing recess for behavior in class.
Necessary for life.
A type of evergreen tree often viewed as a "bad sign." It is mentioned in "Dust of Snow."
The emotion that a reader feels when reading a text. Also known as feeling.
The perspective a story is told from. 1st person, 2nd person, or 3rd person. HINT: This is 3 words.
To regret something. Think of iCarly and Neville.
A group of people with their own society, language, and possibly government.
The message or lesson hidden in a story. Think about the giant poster Ms. Medina worked so hard on.
Great or very large amounts.
Weak or lacking strength. Margot was this in "All Summer in a Day," by Ray Bradbury.