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Interwar Period: Fascism & Rise of Dictators

Stalin's plan which called for rapid industrialization of the economy and state.
Government control over every aspect of public and private life.
Extreme pride or loyalty to your country.
Dictator of Italy.
Dictator of the USSR.
The belief or action of a country having strong military capabilities.
What Russia becomes after the Russian Revolution (abbreviated).
Dictator of Germany.
Militaristic dictator of Japan.
Stalin's secret police used to silence all revolutionary plots.
Emperor of Japan from 1926-1989.
Person who established communism in Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution.
In World War 2 the dictators we learned about will become known as which alliance group.
Country that Mussolini invaded because he wanted an overseas African Empire.
Japan invaded Manchuria, China, and what other country.
Extreme militarism combined with extreme nationalism and control of government.
The person who rules over a totalitarian regime.