Paradise. Hope can see __ through thickest clouds. Brooks
Optimistic. __ thinking keeps things in perspective. Joyce Meyer
Long distance. A good soldier goes the extra __
God calls Himself "I __ that I __!" Exodus 3:14
Catholic theology, __ Obstat "Nothing obstructs"
Obscurity. Some claim there is __ in the Bible about a sin b/c they don't want to quit it
Number. Optimists __ their blessings; pessimists discount theirs
# of gods that can get you into heaven. Acts 4:12, John 14:6
Itinerary. Hope serves to lead us to the end of our lives by an agreeable __. Rochefoucauld
Horrors. God's faithful promises are your armor; do not be afraid of life's __. Psalm 91
Iniquity. All __ is rooted in unbelief. Billy Graham
The devil. What __ meant for evil, God can repurpose for good. Genesis 50:20
Attempt. It's been said the best cure for hedonism is to __ to practice it. Greg Laurie
Not off. We build hope __ the Bible's promises
Exist. To __ w/o hope is to cease to __. Dostoyevsky
Forfeit. Never cease loving a person & never __ up hope for him. Kierkegaard
Unshut. When 1 door of happiness closes, another will __. Helen Keller
Like. Despair is the damp of hell __ joy is the serenity of heaven. John Donne
Poise. Happy expectation gives us __ & vigor!
Happen. Be positive on purpose; it won't __ by accident
Idea. Hope is God's __! Jeremiah 29:11
Bravery. __ is the foundation for optimism. Butler
That. What can be hoped for that is not believed? St. Augustine
Fatality. The __ of hope leads to the hope for __. Kennedy
Postponements. __ are not denials
Choose. The thoughts we __ can make us happy or sad
Close. The Lord is __ to those with a broken heart
Sew. __ both ends of your day in prayer so it won't unravel in the middle
Thus. I will tell my heart the favors of the Lord are not exhausted & __ recover hope. Lament.3:21