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Knowledge Assets

Author: Tio Dave
The amount for which something can be sold on a given market. Often contrasted with book value.
A symbol or other design adopted by an organization to identify its products
Along with 5-down knowledge that is codified, documented, easily produced and widely distributed
2024 is this type of year
John Lennon's wife
23rd letter of the Greek alphabet
Along with 18-across a symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use representing a company or product
This helps an octopus escape predators
Greatest heavyweight boxer of all time
Popular boy's first name
Spanish for eight
A comment expressing disgust
Along with 8-down the network of friendships and working relationships between talented people both inside and outside the organization
A government authority or license conferring a right or title for a set period
Along with 8-down the difference between the market value and book value of a firm
Where wealth is created by effective management of knowledge workers
A tendency in an organization for individuals not to question shared beliefs
A large herbivorous mammal that inhabit the jungles of Central and South America
Data put into a meaningful context
Intellectual + 8-down assets such as reputation, employee loyalty and commitment, customer relationships, company values, etc.
A company's total assets minus its total liabilities.
An exclusive legal right given to an originator or assignee, to print, publish, perform, film or record literary, artistic, or musical material
The opposite of humane
Gene Simmons is a member of this band
Along with 8-down that which is in the minds of employees and is based on their experiences and backgrounds
WCU Mascot
A poker stake usually put up before to build the pot
An elongated fish and popular ingredient in many sushi rolls