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Night Whole Book Review

Vocab: The names of the work units. Elie first sorts electrical components and then works construction.
Setting: A sub-camp of Auschwitz where Elie and his family first arrived and went through a "selection."
Vocab: Elie saw many frozen corpses lying ___ in the snow.
Character: A relative of the Wiesel family who inquires about his wife and children.
VOCAB: Franek did not have ____ motives when asking Elie about his gold crown.
Character: A young man who is trampled to death in the run from Auschwitz to Gleiwitz.
Vocab: The prisoner was being smothered by the crowd and cried out ___ for mercy.
Character: Unbalanced Kapo at Buna who whips Elie.
Character: Female passenger on the train who foreshadows the fires of the crematorium.
Which approaching Army caused the Germans to quickly liquidate the concentration camps, including Auschwitz?
Vocab: The ___ at the bottom of the soup cauldron were not appetizing, but the prisoners ate the soup anyway.
Vocab: Liberating US forces were shocked at how ___ the prisoners were.
Vocab: Akiba Drumer asked his fellow prisoners to say the ___, or death prayer, for him.
Character: Young violinist who dies in the march from Auschwitz to Buchenwald.
Character: Elie's youngest sister, whom he last sees at Birkenau, at the night of their arrival.
Setting: The Auschwitz camps are liquidated because the Russian army is approaching, and Elie and other prisoners end up spending a few days here on their march westward.
Vocab: Elie was surprised that the prisoners of Auschwitz- Main Camp spent their days napping in ____.
Vocab: Elie was a ___ young man, praying at the synagogue several times a day.
Vocab: Elie learned a great deal from Moishe the Beadle about the Jewish study of mysticism, the ____.
Vocab: Upon liberation, the prisoners were most concerned with finding the ___.
Setting: A sub-camp of Auschwitz where Elie and his dad were assigned work Kommandos and stayed there the summer and fall of 1944.
Character: Doctor who sorted the incoming prisoners at Auschwitz- Birkenau and also ran the selections later in the novel.
Setting: The last camp where Elie and his father stayed which was liberated by US forces in April 1945.
Vocab: In a moment of irony, the elderly man in the infirmary said that he had faith in Hitler because he kept his promise to ___ the Jews.
Character: Young angelic- looking assistant who is hung in the Appelplatz.
Vocab: In the ghetto, many ___ were issued, including banning Jewish children from attending school.
Character: Foreman of the factory in Buna who blackmails Elie into getting his gold crown.
Character: Shopkeeper from Sighet who died in Buchenwald.
Character: Rabbi who became separated from his son and is looking for him.
Vocab: Elie was so obsessed with food that he described himself as a "____ stomach. "