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Drama Literary Terms

A person, thing or event that represents something else
Struggle between two opposing forces
The method a writer uses to create a character in a play, short story, or novel
Character whose personality contrasts sharply with those of another character
Drama that gives the audience an experience of extreme sadness
Mistaken identity, reason vs. emotion, idyllic settings, separation & reconciliation, happy endings
Jokes or word play within the context of a scene
Central character; often the hero
The protagonist or central character, the one with whom the audiences identify. They are often of high social status or rank.
An overused phrase; better safe than sorry, diamonds in the rough, lost track of time
Force working against the protagonist
When the audience knows more than the characters, when the character's words carry a larger meaning that the character doesn't realize.
Poetry that resembles natural speech, made up of unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter
A type of meter or rhythm that has five unstressed syllables, each followed by a stressed syllable. This was Shakepeare's common approach to writing plays. This style made it easier for actors to memorize.
A speech given by a character alone on stage.
Central message of a play often expressed as a general statement of life or an observation of life.
Conversation between two or more characters
Another example of a speech or verbal presentation given by a single character in order to express his or her collection of thoughts & ideals aloud
Literary art form that recreates human life and emotions. It is meant to be performed and includes dialogue & action.
A lyric poem of 14 lines; commonly written in iambic pentameter
Humorous scene or speech intended to lighten the mood.
A weakness or character defect that causes a downfall, it could be a lack of judgment often caused by pride.
In drama, action is often divided into acts & scenes; each scene represents an episode in the plot and typically occurs at a single place & time
Major division within a play; similar to a chapter in a book