One of the Six Articles of Faith and Five Roots of Usul ad-Din; the oneness and unity of Allah.
The belief that God is close to humanity ad involved in the world.
One of the prophets of Allah. The father of humankind; built the Ka’aba.
It is a place of great suffering after death for those who have rejected the Qur’an’s teachings and have led a wicked life. For some it will last forever.
Holy book/source of authority; given by God to the prophet Musa (Moses) on Mount Sinai.
Holy Book and most important source of authority in Islam. It was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad and is the final revelation of God to humankind.
One of the Six Articles of Faith in Sunni Islam; the belief that everything that happens has been decided already by Allah.
The belief that everyone must take responsibility for their actions and will be questioned about them on the Day of Judgement.
The foundations of the faith in Shi’a Islam; five key beliefs: Tawhid (the Oneness of God), Adalat (justice), prophethood, imamate, resurrection.
Holy book/source of authority; individual revelations to Ibrahim that were written on parchment but have perished.
Literally ‘doing good’. One of the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah and belief about his nature, the generosity that Allah shows to humans.
Belief about the nature of God; refers to Allah’s justice. He treats all humans equally and as they deserve.
Angel who gives spiritual and material help to humans; on Judgement Day he will assist with the weighing of a person’s deeds.
The last and greatest of the prophets. He received the Qur’an and his Sunnah and Hadiths are also important sources of authority.
Having power and status. The Qur’an has supreme authority as the word of Allah, this means it must be believed and obeyed.
Holy book/source of authority; sacred prayers and poems written by King Dawud (David), a prophet of Allah.
Humans have control over their thoughts, feelings and actions.