Fail to finish. We are crushed & perplexed but do not give up & __. 2 Corinth.4:8
Mock. Stay focused when detractors __ at you
Text for "you are" or Abraham's homeland
Partition. Give up obstacles which __ you from God. Bonhoeffer
Sin. In the middle of this word is the word quit
2 letters that symbolize a prescription
Different. The miserable have no __ medicine, but only hope. Shakespeare
Fortress lookout. God is my high __; I run to Him & am safe. Romans 18:10
Get educated. We would never __ to be brave & patient if there were only joy in the world. Helen Keller
Basic. C.S. Lewis classic: __ Christianity
Forfeited. Life's failures are often by people who didn't know how close they were to the finish line when they __ up
Not ever. Jesus taught us to __ give up. Luke 18:1
Close. The Lord is __ the brokenhearted. Psalm 34:18
Fatigued. If you do not grow __ & give up doing good, you will reap a harvest. Galatians 6:9
Just. The first virtue of a soldier is endurance of fatigue; courage is __ the second virtue. Napolean
Thus. People perish beause they refuse to love the Truth & __ be saved. 2 Thess.2:10
Fresh. At every turn in the road, a __ illuminating is needed to find the way & a __ kindling is needed to follow the way. John Donne
Obtain. If I __ my way, all is well; if I do not __ my way, all is well. Joel Osteen
Narcotics. Some give up on life by overdosing on __
Bible high priest or QB ret., __ Manning
Remedied. What can't be __ must be endured
Hot season. In the midst of winter I found an invincible __. Camus
Unproductive. Do not be __, but by faith & patience inherit God's promises. Hebrews 10:36
Regardless. Great faith perseveres in __ of God's seeming silences & this faith will be rewarded. Fr.Andrew
Hesitation. In that sleep of death what dreams may come when we shuffle off this mortal coil must give us __. Shakespeare
Either. Is prayer your steering wheel or spare tire? Corrie ten Boom
The 2 most powerful warriors __ patience & time. Tolstoy
Required. God gave people everything they __; Satan tempted them to want more