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HF JavaScript Chapter 5

To access the property of an object we use ____ notation.
Object references are passed by ______ to functions, just like primitive variables.
Car and dog objects can have both _____ and behavior.
When you assign an object to a variable, the variable contains a _______ to the object.
The name and value of a property in an object are separated by a _____.
The method log is a property in the _________ object.
_______ can have local variables and parameters, just like regular functions can.
The fiat wouldn’t start because we weren’t using ______ to access the started property.
An object gets ________ with its methods.
We used a ______ property to represent the make of a car object.
this is a _______, not a regular variable.
The ______ method affects the state of the car object, by adding to the amount of fuel in the car.
We usually use one _______ for property names.
Shorthand notation for methods eliminates the colon and the _______ keyword.
Don’t forget to use a _____ after each property value except the last one.