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1 Nephi 6-10

The fruit of the tree was desirable to make one _______. 1 Ne 8:10
Lehi pleaded with Laman and Lemuel to "hearken to his word, that perhaps the Lord would be ________ to them." 1 Ne 8:37
The Rod of Iron was on the straight and _______-path. 1 Ne 8:20
This same word is repeated in verses 10, 11, and 12. 1 Ne 7:10,11,12
"...the mists of darkness are the __________ of the devil..." 1 Ne 12:17
"...the large and spacious vain imaginations and ______ of the children of men." 1 Ne 12:18
This word can mean..."As people _______ each other, they treat one another with Christlike love and have no bad feelings toward those who have offended them." 1 Ne 7:21
"...the _______ of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost..." 1 Ne 10:19
Lehi feared exceedingly for Laman and Lemuel. He saw a dark and dreary __________. 1 Ne 8:14
"The Iron Rod is the _____ of God" Hymn #274