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A&PI CH 3 P1 CP2 Quiz

Found inside the nucleus and is a condense area of chromatin within the cell where ribosomes are produced
Control center of the cell.
Supporting framework of the cell
A selectively-permeable phospholipid bilayer forming the boundary of the cells
Hair-like processes that propel substances along a cell’s surface
Water fearing phospholipids
A cell structure that forms a maze of passageways in which proteins and other materials are carried from one part of the cell to another
Basic unit of life
folds of the plasma membrane that increase the surface area of the cell to increase absorption or secretion
Structures filling the cytoplasm that perform specific tasks in cellular metabolism
Rod-like structures consisting of tightly coiled DNA
Whip-like projection that helps move a cell
holes in the nuclear envelope that allow materials to pass in and out of the nucleus
A double membrane that surrounds the nucleus in the cell
Cell’s protein-producing structures
bean-shaped organelle that supplies energy to the cell
water loving phospholipids
viscous fluid enclosed by the nuclear envelope
Made from a pinched off piece of the golgi contains digestive enzymes to breakdown unwanted proteins
Apparatus that prepares and packages proteins for export to other parts of the body
Gel-like substance that fills the space between the plasma membrane and nucleus
Cell organelle that stores materials such as water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates