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Chapter 10d- Patient Assessment

Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, Twelfth Edition
An upright position in which the patient leans forward onto two arms stretched forward and thrusts the head and chin forward.
Protective measures that have traditionally been developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for use in dealing with objects, blood, body fluids, and other potential exposure risks of communicable disease.
The amount of air (in milliliters) that is moved into or out of the lungs during one breath.
A high-pitched, whistling breath sound that is most prominent on expiration, and which suggests an obstruction or narrowing of the lower airways; occurs in asthma and bronchiolitis
A characteristic crackling sensation felt on palpation of the skin, caused by the presence of in the soft tissues.
A severe breathing problem in which a patient can speak only in two to three words at a time without pausing to take a breath.
The key signs that are used to evaluate the patient's overall condition, including respirations, pulse, blood pressure, level of consciousness, and skin characteristics.
The increased pressure in an artery with each contraction of the ventricles (systole)
Narrowing of a blood vessel
A rapid heart rate, more than 100 beats/min
Breathing that occurs without assistance.
The process of establishing treatment and transportation priorities according to severity of injury and medical need.