Father Christmas, Saint Nick, by another name
Night-before-Christmas attire
Directions other than W, N
Alphabetical vowel sequence
Hebrew name for God
". . . Oh, by gosh, by jingle
It's time for carols and ____ _______
Overeating, merry greetings
From relatives you don't know . . . ." (2 words) --Frank Sinatra's "Mistletoe and Holly"
Uncle trademark for the U.S. (first name)
". . . I know it's not too late
The _____ would be a better place
If we can keep the spirit more than one day in the year
Send a message loud and clear . . ." (Earth) --Bryan Adams' "Christmas Time"
Despite the war, Ukraine's _______ is growing at a 5% rate. (wealth) --heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/december-12-2023
"God ____ 72 DOWN merry gentleman Let nothing you dismay . . . ."
Retirement vehicle (initials)
"Well, it just seemed wrong to cheat on an ______ test." (morals)
--Calvin, "Calvin and Hobbes". --facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2109098686156317&set=gm.1061847938191403&idorvanity=198548474521358
Theresa, Francis, Thomas, Nicholas, e.g. (title, abbrev.)
Youngest of the top 4 U. S. airlines (code) --"Final Jeopardy" question, 12/23; myticketstoindia.com/airlines-and-airports/largest-airlines-in-usa/; johnnyjet.com/travel-resources/airline-codes/
1 ACROSS's on Christmas Eve is between go-to-bed and wake-up times (3 words, initials)
Barista's mantra: Rise and _____ (pulverize) --pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=COFEE%20QUOTES&rs=typed&term_meta[]=COFEE%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=QUOTES%7Ctyped
Vowel progression alphabetically
"The Holly and the ___," carol associated with Christmases of medieval times --en.wikipedia.org
Battery mineral (element, abbrev.) --rsc.org/periodic-table/element/3/
Pacific state with the least coastline (abbrev.) --coast.noaa.gov/data/docs/states/shorelines.pdf
Metric volume measure (abbrev.)
Thieves who steal packages delivered to homes (2 words) --nextdoor.com/p/GhcQh4TjQS7b?post=309040529&utm_source=email&is=tpe§ion=cta&mar=true&ct=zh8H994sDaa2xp7tPSoMC88-mG1M_6BScmhCN1ZlEhqPgsml_H2R3mb6nYwIaZVI&ec=OWKiQRDj9vEHAYwTV6YMARldwuFdgGkeefhwfGYAE0s%3D&mobile_deeplink_data=eyJhY3Rpb24iOiAidmlld19wb3N0IiwgInBvc3QiOiAzMDkwNDA1Mjl9&link_source_user_id=160085
Hippy's reference to residence
The last PG movie to receive the "Best Picture" oscar (1989). (3 words) --Cinema Shorthand Society, FB 12/15/23
Jesus' birthdate probably 6-4 BC, not 0 __. --Wikipedia
Vowel sequence alphabetically
Residual Income --abbreviations.com
Russia has lost 315,000 troops and 2/3 of its pre-war tanks in its war with _______. (nation) --nbcnews.com/news/world/russia-suffered-dramatic-casualties-ukraine-us-intelligence-says-rcna129354
For many members of Congress, the top priority is to prevent a _____ win on any front. (last name) --Fiona Hill, British-American foreign affairs specialist and author. --heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/december-12-2023; Wikipedia
____-free; with no penalties --google.com
“I love meeting people’s ____. It’s like an instruction manual to why they’re crazy.” (a parent, pl.) --Meaghann Ande, FB, 12/10/23.
Immaterial (2 words, initials) --google.com; abbreviations.com
One of 1 ACROSS's directions, chimney-wise
Southwest indian --nps.gov/meve/index.htm
Elf to 1 ACROSS (abbrev.)
". . . This is my winter song
December never felt so wrong
Cause you're not where you belong
Inside my ____ . . . ." (limbs) --Sara Bareilles
Busy support group this time of year (initials)
Action with new video game