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Minimum Car Insurance Requirements

reimburses you to fix or replace your car for non-traffic-related causes
Extra insurance that provides protection beyond existing limits and coverages of other policies.
The type of insurance you want if you hit an animal
the driver of an automobile
pays the difference between what your vehicle is worth and how much you owe on your car
This coverage helps pay for any damage you cause to another driver, their passengers or any property, such as their car.
WHen GAP insurance is important is when your car is ...
Property damage coverage per accident if you have 100/300/50 Liability Insurance
Bodily injury coverage per accident if you 100/300/50 Liability Insurance
When you owe more money on your car than it’s worth
The following are all examples of this type of damage. Damaging the other person’s car, a street sign you ran over or if you smashed into a building.
No employer health insurance and if you get in an accident YOU have to pay for YOUR medical bills, you avoid this if you have this kind of insurance
if you're ever struck by a driver who doesn't have enough, or any, car insurance, you should have this type of insurance
Let’s say you are hospitalized because of the accident. You cannot work and earn an income. You could avoid this if you had this kind of insurance
The type of insurance you want if your car is vandalized
insurance talk for completely destroyed/unfixable.
The type of insurance you want if there's a flood, tornado or earthquake
Bodily injury coverage per person if you have 100/300/50 Liability Insurance
the amount of money that the insured person must pay before their insurance policy starts paying for covered expenses