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Parathyroid and Thyroid

Autoimmune disease resulting in overproduction of thyroid hormone
Enzyme that hydroxylates calcifediol.
Recombinant PTH analogue
Tripeptide hormone produced in the hyopthalamus
Inhibited by MMI
Protein hormone that regulates calcium homeostasis
Peptide used to treat secondary hyperthyroidism
Receptor that controls PTH release in the parathyroid
Major protein carrier for thyroid hormones in the blood
Thyroid prohormone
Graves Disease
Enzyme responsible for conversion of T4 into T3 in the periphery
Prolia Ligand
Enlarged thyroid
Necessary for conversion of provitamine D3 into D3 in the skin.
Kidney Hormone that increases calcium absorption from the intestine
MAb that binds to RANKL to treat osteroporosis
Bone resorption cells
Nasal spray to treat osteoporosis
Stimulates the release of T3/T4
Storage form of T3/T4 in the thyroid
Liquid Food source of Calcium and Vitamin D
Insufficient Vitamin D
Enzyme responsible for oxidation of iodide