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Health Care Systems

A space, within a location intended for the examination and treatment of patients, extending 1.8 m (6 ft) beyond the normal location of the bed, chair, table, treadmill, or other device that supports the patient during examination and treatment and extending vertically to 2.3 m (7 ft 6 in.) above the floor
A test instrument designed to continually check the balanced and unbalanced impedance from each line of an isolated circuit to ground and equipped with a built-in test circuit to exercise the alarm without adding to the leakage current hazard
Space in which failure of equipment or a system is likely to cause minor injury to patients, staff, or visitors
The location of a patient sleeping bed, or the bed or procedure table of a Category 1 (critical care) space
Electrically powered equipment whose continuous operation is necessary to maintain a patient’s life.
A system of feeders and branch circuits supplying power for lighting, receptacles, and equipment essential for life safety that is automatically connected to alternate power sources by one or more transfer switches during interruption of the normal power source
A building or portion thereof used on a 24-hour basis for the medical, psychiatric, obstetrical, or surgical care of four or more inpatients
Space in which failure of equipment or a system is not likely to have a physical impact on patient care
One or more generator sets, or battery systems where permitted, intended to provide power during the interruption of the normal electrical service; or the public utility electrical service intended to provide power during interruption of service normally provided by the generating facilities on the premises.
A system comprising an isolating transformer or its equivalent, a line isolation monitor, and its ungrounded circuit conductors
Buildings, portions of buildings, or mobile enclosures in which human medical, dental, psychiatric, nursing, obstetrical, or surgical care is provided
A system of feeders and branch circuits supplying power for task illumination, fixed equipment, select receptacles, and select power circuits serving areas and functions related to patient care that are automatically connected to alternate power sources by one or more transfer switches during interruption of the normal power source
An electrical system comprised of alternate sources of power and all connected distribution systems and ancillary equipment, designed to ensure continuity of electrical power to designated areas and functions of a health care facility during disruption of normal power sources, and also to minimize disruption within the internal wiring system
Space in which failure of equipment or a system is not likely to cause injury to the patients, staff, or visitors but can cause patient discomfort
Space in which failure of equipment or a system is likely to cause major injury or death of patients, staff, or visitors