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Bladder & Bowel Elimination

Surgical procedure to remove appendix
Common medication to avoid straining and constipation
Opening from Ileum to abdominal wall
Lack of voluntary control over urination or defecation
Endoscopy of the urinary bladder via the urethra
Twisting of intestine wall
Inflammation of the kidney due to a bacterial infection
Telescoping of intestine wall
Catheter used to empty stomach on a bowel perforation
A patient is made ___ when a bowel obstruction is suspected or before a procedure
Inflammation of the peritoneum
Opening from intestine to abdominal wall
Most common complication of a weakened abdominal wall
Inflammation of pouches in intestine wall
Infection of bladder
Fecal occult blood test
Most common antibiotic used for GI infections
Surgical procedure to treat BPH
Opening from Colon to abdominal wall
Rebound tenderness is a common symptom of
Common tool used to determine the amount of urine in bladder, also called bladder scan
Plant-based chemicals that may be effective for BPH
Hard deposits of minerals and salts that form inside kidneys
Procedure in which an instrument is introduced into the body to give a view of its internal parts
A patient is put on a ___ diet to rest the gut
Inflammation/Infection of urethra
Used to treat men who have symptoms of an enlarged prostate gland
Benign prostatic hyperplasia