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Chapter 11 Dec. 2, 2023

"In quantitative research, the focus is on “random sampling”—individuals are selected so they are representative of the larger population, and at the end of the research study, the findings are generalized back to the larger population" (Suter, 2021)
"Research is that the goal is not to generalize to a larger population, but simply to develop an in-depth description of a specific phenomenon in a particular setting. Therefore, the qualitative researcher intentionally selects specific individuals and sites (Creswell, 2005). This constitutes an important distinction between quantitative and qualitative approaches to conducting research" (Suter, 2021)
"involves establishing that the results of qualitative research are credible, or believable, from the perspective of the participant(s) in the research. A researcher must factor into data collection and analysis all the complexities of the study, and address issues that are not easily explained.” (Seter, 2021).
“Notes is also one way to integrate ongoing analysis into the process of conducting qualitative research” (Purposeful sampling / “Involves the intentional selection of individuals and sites to learn about or understand the topic at hand” (Cresswell, 2005, Sutter, 2021).
“Another means of incorporating journaling into qualitative data collection. Is a less formal version of a student journal” (Suter, 2021) ).
“Involves the intentional selection of individuals and sites to learn about or understand the topic at hand” (Cresswell, 2005, Sutter, 2021).
"The process of documenting and evaluating your interpretations, assumptions, and biases—also aids in establishing validity” (Suter, 2021).
“Conversations between the researcher and participants in the study” (Suter, 2021).
“Either specific or general questions to ask, prior to conducting any interviews” (Suter, 2021).
“A means of collecting qualitative data, involve carefully watching and systematically recording what you see and hear in a particular setting” (Suter, 2021).
“One of the available qualitative analysis software programs include the following (Creswell, 2005; Leedy & Ormrod, 2013; Suter, 2021).
“They may be collected using a variety of techniques, but it is important to remember that the resulting qualitative data always consist of descriptive, narrative accounts” Suter, 2021). 23.
“The researcher begins with an interview guide consisting of a set of predetermined questions. Those questions—and only those questions—are asked of each person interviewed” (Suter, 2021).
“The researcher is not only the “researcher” but also simultaneously a fully functioning member of the community (Glesne, 2006, ) In this case, the researcher is first and foremost part of a group—as opposed to being an “outsider”—who also happens to be collecting data on the group members” (Suter, 2021).
“observing and taking notes, the researcher has the opportunity to interact more formally with participants involved in the study” (Suter, 2021).
“Provides the respondent with only a few questions, very broad in nature” (Suter, 2021).
“The name given to simultaneous interviews of people making up a relatively small group, usually no more than 10–12 people” (Suter, 2021).
“A good practice to include observer’s comments, which are preliminary interpretations of observational data” (Suter, 2021).
“identifying and selecting ___________ and data collection techniques, as well as techniques for analyzing qualitative data” (Suter, 2021).
“One of the available qualitative analysis software programs include the following (Creswell, 2005; Leedy & Ormrod, 2013; Suter, 2021).