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key terms: crossword #4

The reliability or believability of a person or source
A series of statements designed to convince someone of something
The sequence of events in a story
(;) Used to join independent clauses that are short and related
Snowman from Frozen
(,) Used before a conjunction in a compound sentence
Hints or clues early in a story which indicate what may happen later
A brief story included to demonstrate a point
All knowing
....lay like discolored monsters under the surface
Symbolic language; not to be taken literally
Hector Hugh Munro pen name
The conflict in "The Man in the Water" is Man vs. ______.
A friendly, informal conversation
Categories of writing, art, music
(:) Used to introduce items in a series
To break something down into its parts
The author's main idea or general statement about life
(') Used to show ownership or possession
Refers to the author's word choice
The time and place in which a story is set
Upcoming season of the year
To work with other people
Two sentences presented as one without proper punctuation
To selectively mark text and make comments in the margin
1st person narrator of "The Wife's Story"
Stands for or represents something else
Unnescessarily repetitive
Giving human qualities to something that is not human
To put in your own words
A longstanding quarrel between people and/or families
The building up of tension or interest in a story
Goggles give Jerry _____ eye.
Main character
To capture the main ideas in fewer words
A comparison that does not use "like" or "as" (Life is a roller coaster)
To make an educated guess
The participants in the action of a story
An interfering third party
"The hateful one" from "The Wife's Story"
The srtuggle or problem in a story; the opposing forces
The opposite of what is expected