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Band Crossword

Cancels out a sharp or a Flat
This instrument is the smaller cousin of a Tuba
This note gets 2 beats
This note gets 1/2 of a beat
The top number tells you how many beats in a measure and the bottom number tells you which note will get one beat. Example: 4/4
This is the lowest brass instrument in the band.
These are the Spaces of the Treble Clef
These are the "silence" in music
This note gets 1 beat
Five lines and four spaces
This note gets 4 beats
This clef is also known as the "F" clef and is used in the low brass instruments
These are the Lines of the Treble Clef
This low brass instrument does not have valves.
Lowers the note 1/2 step
Raises the note 1/2 step