Title hiding marital status (abbrev.)
Professional court-sport org.
A remembrance day in Ukraine, translated means "death by hunger". A Soviet agricultural policy that killed 3.5M+ Ukrainians by famine 1932-3. --Wikipedia
Smallest Asian country --en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Asian_countries_by_area
Legal challenges from Arizona __________ supervisors who refused to certify the 2020 election have gone nowhere and cost their county $300,000. (political party) --joemygod.com/2023/11/cultist-az-officials-have-cost-rural-red-county-300k/
On NY's eastern border (state) --google.com/maps
Electronic Address Book --abbreviations.com
Time for cold feet --washingtonpost.com/crossword-puzzles/daily/, 11/22/23
Flying time syn. --pilotscafe.com/glossary
Nicaragua --abbreviations.com
Tallest man-made structure (481') for 3,800 years. Constructed 2570 BC. Lost its position in 1240 AD to Old St. Paul's Cathedral, London (493'). (2 words) --FB, 11/25/24; Wikipedia; wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tallest_structures_built_before_the_20th_century
East on a map, usually (abbrev.)
Published this month in Canada and ranked 8,110 on Amazon's best seller list. (title) --theguardian.com/books/2023/nov/26/marjorie-taylor-greene-***-book-review
In 2021, apologized for the US having briefly pulled out of a global climate pact. (last name) --nytimes.com/2023/11/26/climate/*****-climate-cop28-dubai.html
First Responder (initials)
Stand for, evidence of --google.com
UCLA mascots --si.com/college/ucla/football/ucla-football-associate-ad-praises-******-donor-after-usc-win-ml0802#:~:text=Your%20UCLA%20Bruins%20secured%20a,Bell%20for%20the%20next%20year.
Carrying debt of 7.6% on his estimated worth of $2.6B. (nickname for, 2 words) --Forbes. --dailymail.co.uk/news/article, 11/26/23; findnicknames.com/nicknames-for-******-*****/, #57
Cher nickname for NPR's Scott Simon when being interviewed about her Christmas album --npr.org/transcripts/1210645286
Hospital speciality area (initials)
Song of praise --google.com
Circular speed (initials)
Merriam-Webster's "Word of the Year" . . . because it's heavily referenced and highly valued in today's era of mis/disinformation. (adjective) --apnews.com/article/merriam-webster-word-of-year-2023-a9fea610cb32ed913bc15533acab71cc
Least-dense solid element (abbrev.) --Wikipedia
Alphabetical vowel sequence
82% of middle schoolers can’t tell the difference between ___ and news stories. (promos) --"The Desert Sun," 11/24/23, p. B1
Abutting TN and OK --google.com/maps
"Long known as a country of emigration and transit, ______ in the last five years has become a destination for a small but growing number of refugees, attracted by a less restrictive asylum system than in the U.S. as well as plentiful jobs due to the country's labor shortage." (nation) --finance.yahoo.com/news/migrants, 11/24/23
4-corners state (abbrev.)
Identifying as LGBT in 2022 : Silent Generation, 1.7%; ___ _, 19.7%. (most-recent generation, 1 word, 1 letter, for short) --Gallop.
CO to AZ direction (abbrev.) --google.com/maps
Name of historically referenced coffee shop on U. S. Highway 50 (across Nevada and Utah): Pony ________ --Wikipedia
Ground water 2x the size of Lake Mead in this state controlled by as few as 100 large landowners. --nytimes.com/interactive/2023/11/24/climate/groundwater-levels.html
Advil generic --mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements
Largest unreinforced concrete dome --facebook.com/photo/?fbid=374619878398429&set=a.210188454841573
World's largest international organization (initials) --Wikipedia
"Look What You've Done To Me" (1980) --Boz ______. --google.com/search?q=look+what+you%27ve+done+to+me&oq=look+what+you%27ve+done+to+me&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggAEAAY4wIYgAQyCggAEAAY4wIYgAQyBwgBEC4YgAQyDAgCEAAYQxiABBiKBTIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQLhiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQLhiABNIBCDY0NjhqMWo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:4da25b78,vid:iU7ImTTCA_Q,st:0
Turkeys pardoned by Biden this Thanksgiving, Liberty and ____. (name) --heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/november-21-2023
Maladroit, clumsy, unhandy --google.com
Directions other than W, E
Alphabetical vowel progression
Symbol, figure, representation --google.com
"We're heading into nut country today." --___ to Jacqueline, morning of 11/22/63. (initials) --heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/november-22-2023
For Example (Lat., initials)
State closest to Asia (abbrev.) --googlel.com/maps
Alphabetical vowel listing
Preposition indicating movement forward
State below SK and MB --google.com/maps