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Grade2 Unit 8 X-words

Caused by something
Can do
All done!
It's true! I can - - - - it!
To look all over something
Keep doing
Try to find the answer ALSO clothing brand
The old fashioned way
- - - - ME THE MONEY!
Many questions that you can often see on TV
The entire thing
You can see a bride and a groom here
Marked with an X on a map
To show or another name for the screen on your phone.
Gold, silver, bronze, tin, platinum
The prince's family
A place where you can borrow books
There are 60 of these in an hour
The people we elect to lead us
Scientists and academics do this
An academic who focuses on past events
You did it!
Something sweet after a meal
When you use money
They go crazy when they see BTS