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Social Media Review

In 2019, this app was the 2nd most popular apps list.
You need to (blank) different platforms for all your various markets. Fill in the blank
This concept is paramount in both photography and cinematography
Facebook urges its workforce to be two things, what are they?
Chris Messina this in an attempt to organize content on social media. What is it?
(blank) is an image based platform. Fill in the blank
Musk intended for Twitter users to freely voice their opinions without what?
How much did IG cost FB?
There is (blank) a one size fits all. Fill in blank.
A well-executed (blank) strategy can significantly boost one’s professional journey or business growth in the digital age. Fill in the blank
Tiktoks algorithm places heavy emphasis on two things, what are they?
What breeds excellence?
The 2nd largest search engine is.
Social media platforms were developed with distinct (blank) in mind. Fill in the blank
Adapting to change is a constant what?
Who is Twitters Co-Founder