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Skeletal System

Bones that are roughly cube-shaped, like wrist and ankle bones
Another name for spongy bone
Membrane that covers bone and attaches to tendons and ligaments
Connection points between skull bones
Hollow chamber within the diaphysis
Cells that break down and reabsorb bone tissue
Last 2 pairs of false ribs; do not attach to sternum at all
Region of cartilage at the ends of bones where growth occurs; "growth plate"
Cervical vertebra (C1) attached to the skull; moves head forward and backward
Soft spots in an infant's skull
Bones that are embedded in tendons
The last fused vertebrae that make up the tailbone
Another word for immovable
Another word for slightly movable
Tiny passages of cytoplasm that connect osteocytes together
Structures that connect bone to bone
The fundamental unit of bone tissue
Cells that produce matrix and form bone tissue
The ends of a long bone
Tissue that attaches the ribs to the sternum
Structures that connect bone to muscle
Concentric circles of matrix around each haversian canal
opening in the skull where the spinal cord connects to the brain stem
Passages of blood vessels and nerves at the center of each osteon
Includes the skull, vertebrae, and rib cage Appendicular skeleton includes all the bones of the appendages
Type of joint enclosed in a capsule, such as joints between long bones
Chambers that enclose each osteocyte
Cervical vertebra (C2) that pivots/rotates head