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A&P 2.9

The ventral ramus of T12 is what kind of nerve
What receptor initiates a crossed extensor reflex
White matter is white because of ___
Chewing; an action of trigeminal
How are rami classified (sensory, motor or mixed)
Cranial nerve II; sensory, vision
What portion of the diencephalon controls portions of the endocrine system
Which cranial nerve has 3 primary branches for sensations of the head, face and chewing (the only one you can get shingles in)
A short distance after passing through its intervertebal foramen, a spinal nerve divides into several branches called __
Cranial nerve I; sensory, smell
Supporting cells of the nervous system
Which division of spinalis goes from the C7 and the lower nuchal ligament to the upper cervical spinous processes
Which cranial nerve is responsible for salivating, crying and tasting
Which division of spinalis goes from the upper lumbar and lower thoracic spinous processes to the upper thoracic spinous processes
What 2 bundles of axons connect each spinal nerve to a segment of the spinal cord
All of the erector spinae do this type of side-bending unilaterally
What erector spinae muscle inserts on the mastoid process of the temporal bone
What tuberosity is inferior to the intertrochanteric crest on the posterior surface of the body of the the femur
Cranial nerve IV; eye movement
All the erector spinae do this action bilaterally
Which division of spinalis goes from the nuchal ligament to the occiput
What part of a sensory neuron is located in the dorsal root ganglion
Which attachment of spenius cervisis is T3-T6
What type of neuron keeps its cell body in the gray matter of the spinal cord
Cranial nerve VI; eye movement
Which notch is located below the PIIS and is the place where the sciatic nerve passes through
The nerves from T1-T11 go through which rami
What cranial nerve number is facial