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Marx Part 2

Systems of ruling ideas that attempt once again to hide the contradictions that are at the heart of the capitalist system.
Ideally, the act of exchange is an exchange of exchange values.
Labor, Wages and Commodities are not exchanged by force, but by choice.
“It is impossible and undesirable to separate the two for the result would be dispassionate inhuman sociology with little to offer.”
Social influences never flow one direction as they do for cause and effect. Rather, Dialectical thinkers believe in simultaneous influences.
Dialectical thinkers remain attuned to current social trends by viewing them through a lens of historical contexts to make predictions about the future.
The way in which people provide for their material needs determines/conditions the relations people have with one another.
Because social phenomena are constantly interacting (acting and reacting), futures may be based on simple contemporary models, but not inevitably.
Noneconomic relations, other social institutions, and prevalent ideas.
Ideas that organically emerge out of everyday life in capitalism, but because of the nature of capitalism, reflect reality in an inverted manner.
The “opiate of the people.”