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Chapter 7

Say with more emphasis; say louder. If Ms. Koertgen wants students to remember and say the past tense verb “worked” in a definition but knows that will be difficult for them, when she says the definition the first few times (My Turn and Together), she says the word “worked” louder than the other words.
Fictional stories have plots composed of a sequence of events that inform the reader what happened.
words such as for example, because, like, and first link sentences and paragraphs together and are essential for comprehension because they give the reader clues about what is happening.
A gauge of text difficulty influenced by factors such as sentence and word length as well as graphic aids such as maps or pictures.
The method of selecting teaching examples whereby the teacher adds previously learned material to newly learned material.
The subject or message that the author of narrative text wants to convey.
A story’s grammar is the structure that the story follows. Typical story grammar elements include setting, characters, a problem or problems, plot, resolution, and theme.
Also called short-term memory. Temporary memory that processes information in the immediate environment for a very short time.
the first organizational type of text structure
Text that is written to inform, persuade, or explain; nonfiction writing. (non-fiction)
The sum total of what the individual knows at any given time.
Text that tells a story or that relates events or dialogue (fiction)
Describes how well the parts of text relate to one another.
Refers to how a text is organized to help readers understand the information presented.
When and where a story takes place.