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To be reliable, steadfast and unwavering.
Submissive to another's will.
A consistent and courageous decision to extend oneself for the well-being of another.
The quality of being kind and unselfish, especially as it pertains to sharing money and other valuables with others.
One of life's strongest emotions. It stresses the strength of feeling and often implies strong intention or aim.
To point out; to show; to exhibit; to make evident.
Extending favor towards and means giving grace, favor, gratitude, or kindness.
To meet; to confront, either by chance, suddenly, or deliberately.
To put through a finishing process, to foster the growth of.
Excellence; virtue; kindness; benevolence.
Copious quantity or supply.
With great pleasure and happiness.
The practice of giving a tenth of one's income or resources to support the work of the church.
That which has ultimately been bestowed upon us by God: money, time, family, national identity, talents, friends, etc.
To be made happy, prosperous, or fortunate.
That which moves one toward an action; which changes, provokes, or impels our very being.
A set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.
To make someone stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.
To accelerate the growth or progress of.
A useful or valuable quality that a person possesses.