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Substance Abuse

Trainer: Carl S Scroggins, CADC
Abbreviation of a drug of abuse found in cough syrup
What organ is affected most my alcohol?
A chemical name for alcohol
Can disrupt memory for up to 2 years
Synthetic Hallucinogenic
When a heroin/opioid overdose occurs, what bodily function stops first?
Drugs that can cause suffocation
Concentrated form of cocaine
Unable to stop using a drug despite the problems if causes
Disease of chronic alcohol users
Alcohol is in what class of drugs?
Mental & physical problems affecting someone who is addicted to a drug and stops using it
Memory & motivation are the two functions of the brain directly affected by
When the body adjusts to a drug, requiring larger amounts to get the same feeling
Liver damage caused by long term abuse of alcohol.
Synthetic Stimulant
A drug that can lead to hyperthermia (increased body temp.)
The age group with the highest amounts of deaths due to alcohol abuse
Morphine, codeine & heroin are all classified as
Antidote drug given to someone overdosing on opiates