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Ancient India

First written language developed in India
Sacred texts which include hymns, stories, poems, and prayers written in Sanskrit
Buddhist shrines shaped like a burial mound
Third largest religion in the world, originated in India
Word that means "god"
Tallest mountain in the world locate din northeast India
System which determines what class of society somebody belongs to in India
Hindu idea of perfect peace
Buddhist teaching that explains suffering
Indians invented this symbol which represents nothing.
Mountain range in northeast India
Idea that the soul is reborn into a different person or creature after death
Grandson who disliked violence and became Buddhist. He was a ruler of India.
Hinduism is __________ meaning that its followers believe in multiple gods
Hindu idea that states that what you do in your present life will affect what you will be reborn into
An ancient religious epic consisting of 90,000 verses. It is the longest poem ever written.
Group of people who migrated from Europe to the Indus Valley, and then eventually the Ganges Valley
Leader who led modern India to independence through nonviolence
Where the first two civilizations in India developed
The universal spirit that everybody eventually joins, according to Hinduism
River located in northeast India
Religion created by Siddhartha Gautama which aims to seek nirvana
Lowest class in Indian Society
Code of conduct that leads to release from suffering
Followers of Buddhism who do not believe the Buddha is a god but a great teacher
Highest class in Indian society
Important section of Indian poem where a prince does not want to fight because his family is on the other side
A state of perfect happiness and peace
Officer who unified India to protect it against invasions
Seasonal winds that help crops but sometimes cause massive flooding in India
Emotional and spiritual state of perfect happiness and peace