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The 4.0 that really matters!

Professor G. G. Rhine
FSW Summer-A 2023
Gordon suggests that students __________ their own road to be successful
Another path of easy street is to go to a good ______.
Gordon refers to Millenials as the Y ___________.
__________ in todays world requires that students will be competing with students in the global job market market.
Who you know, and who knows you is called _______ capital.
According to Jullien you are ___________ people.
So, is getting a college degree worth it? _______
Your major may not matter so make sure you get a _________ in yourself.
College is an ____________ to experience new things outside of the classroom.
A college degree is not a ___________ for a job or career.
What you can accomplish in your life will ___________ on how well you manage the ambiguity and stress of life.
Grades are important and it is important to ____________ in the classroom
Another path of easy street is to ______ good.
Increasing your self ____________ will help to put you in the drivers seat of your life.
After college Jullien's and some success his car was _________.
The myth of _______ street is based on 4 obsolete beliefs.
College grads make about a __________ more than H.S. grads.
Another path of easy street is to get a good _______.
What you know is called __________ capital.
Having his car stolen at _______ point changed his life and focus.
Gordon points out that _______ students do not have a job upon graduation.
It took being robbed to recognize that he lacked enough _________ Smarts
The challenges of our fast paced world create much stress and ___________.
We live in a fast paced and changing word. So, both ______ smarts and street smarts are needed to survive.
Who knows that you know what you know is called _________ capital.
Remember that you are buying _________ not just an education.
Collège is an ___________ in your dream
Increased competition and changes in employment opportunities require that students be _________ in their pathway to employment success.
Your career is your ________ to design, drive, and maintain
No one doubts the potential __________ of graduating from college
How well you know yourself is called _________ capital.
One path of easy street is to get good __________.
An alternative term for financial capital is ______ flow.