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Test Africa and Noses 23

How many times bigger is Africa than the United States
What is the base language spoken by more than 120 million Africans?
Europeans begun to enslave Africans and take them to Europe and America, it created the African _____
What nation would eventually conquer Ghana?
One advantage the African kingdoms of the rainforest enjoyed was good ____
When the Arab lawyer Ibn Battuta traveled throughout Muslim Africa in 1325AD, he was surprised to find that many Africans worshiped _____gods
high area of flat land
According to the Quran, Muslims were not permitted to enslave
Throughout West Africa, most positions of leadership were reserved for whom?
This kept the powerful kingdoms of Northern Africa were kept from spreading South by
This lake lay just below the Sahara Desert
The two major religions in West Africa were Christianity and
In which African city was the Great Mosque built?
A duck nose
This mountain group was located in North Africa along the Mediterranean Coast
What percent of Africa is covered with rainforest?
The Niger and Senegal Rivers are located in ___ Africa
Drumming which has two or more rhythms occurring at the same time is called ____ rhythmatic.
The longest river in Africa
Most people on the African savanna make their living by
Horse nose
culture of Eastern Africa
Who introduced the camel to Africa?
Axum traded along Africa's ____ Coast
Prior to the arrival of Christianity and Islam, most African religions believed in one
In West Africa, the Kings would settle arguments, manage trade and protect the empire.  In exchange, they would expect complete
One of the greatest honors one could receive from the Mali King Mansa Musa was the National Honor of the
According to The Glory of Kings, who did the Queen of Sheba meet with in 1005BC?
He built a center for Muslim learning in Africa.
This desert was in the South of Africa
Who formed the second highest rank in African society?
Pig nose
Ghana become such a powerful nation in West Africa by controlling this trade
Bird nose
What group of people lived in stonetowns?
If the King of Ghana died, who would replace him?
This rainforest basin was in Central Africa
Elephant nose
Chinese admiral who traded with East Africa was Zheng ___