Guy had one guitar and stars in his eyes
Found in a rich man's world.
"A wise guy's always right even when he's ------- he's right"
Rich people have these for their money and also a lack of it.
A deadly disease that hit hard in the 80's
Heart throb that loved a leather jacket
Everyone looked forward to this day in school
#12 starred in this movie
The Facts of Life motorcycle-riding student
Not from the US but their albums were a hit here
"Don't dream it's over" starts with a _____
We spent all our quarters on this little guy.
Casey told us which hits were headed this way on the charts
Meet friends, listen to music, go in circles
All he wanted was to get home
The first Western pop group to perform in China
"Super _______" Rick James
The Shining set was scary, ______ and dark!
We ruined the ozone with this.
They fly near the sea or have really crazy hair...
Bars & restaurants were full of this in the 80's
Easy dinner night when you had these Joes.
Term started in 1980 for college educated professionals in the city
Madonna asked her father not to do this
Every traveler came home with one.
Owner of the diner in Happy Days
Ain't nothin without Pepper
Breaking news of the 80's