"Capitulate," "relent" street indicator (3 words)
Americans insist on the right to bear arms; Scots, on the right to bare ____. (other appendages) --"Shoe" cartoon, 03/13/23
First person form of "you're"
Eugene college (initials)
Alphabetical vowel sequence
Relating to the environment (prefix) --macmillandictionary.com/us/dictionary/american/***
Revolutionary War, Great Depression or Cold War, e.g.
The Silicon Valley Bank, the U.S.'s 16th largest, with $200B in mostly _________ assets, fails. (unprotected) --deadline.com/2023/03/roku-cash-failed-silicon-valley-bank-streaming-1235285439/
Directions other than W, E
Re anti-LGBTQ legislation, "Equality for everybody, or nobody’s really equal. This is how Hitler started. Just weeding everybody out.” --Cyndi ______, 03/10/23. (singer, last name) --thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/3888213-cyndi-******-compares-anti-lgbtq-bills-to-nazi-germany-this-is-how-hitler-started/
Bordering Vietnam and Thailand --google.com/maps
The 3 stooges: ___, Curly and Larry --Wikipedia
Barr, RFK or Sessions, e.g. (initials) --justice.gov/ag/historical-bios
". . .If a child lives with praise, he learns to ___________ . . . ." (value) --from "Children Learn What They Live" by D L Nolte. --uexpress.com/life/dearabby/2023/03/15
5% of all English-speakers live here. (initials) --facebook.com/photo/?fbid=787916552697055&set=a.610868297068549
". . .how does the Academy not nominate the guy who directed Avatar? What do they think he is, a _____?" (one of the sexes) --Jimmie Kimmel, hosting the Oscars.
"It ain't what they call you, it's what you ______ to." (respond) --brainyquote.com/authors/w-c-fields-quotes
"I dress more provocative & risque than any drag queen in Tennessee. Lord I hope they don't outlaw me!" --_____ ______. (singer, name)
Alphabetical vowel progression
Native of Alaska, northern Canada and Greenland --google.com
Precedes "sigma" --en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_alphabet#:~:text=The%20uppercase%20and%20lowercase%20forms,%2C%20%CE%A8%20%CF%88%2C%20%CE%A9%20%CF%89.
Affleck, Franklin or Hogan --en.wikipedia.org/wiki/***
Most of the 30 least-prosperous countries are located in ______. (continent) --facebook.com/photo/?fbid=789325689222808&set=a.610868297068549
Apart, separately --google.com
A hold/charge on property --merriam-webster.com
Mary Trump prediction: Donald Trump will secure the 2024 Republic nomination, lose, then call for another ____________. (revolt) --newsweek.com/mary-trump-predicts-what-donald-trump-will-do-if-he-loses-again-1787110
First space station assembled in orbit --Wikipedia
Type of electricity (initials)
American living abroad, for short
US foot soldier (nickname)
Lost the most citizens to out-migration 2020-1. (state, abbrev.) --facebook.com/photo/?fbid=787368702751840&set=a.610868297068549
Lady who sang "Hold My Hand" at the 95th Oscars
Time zone for MN and GA (initials) --hgoogle.com/search?q=time+zones+usa&oq=time+zones+us&aqs=chrome.0.0i512j69i57j0i512l8.3341j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=OmH1AakXBu1hmM
"Any book worth banning is a book worth _______." (devouring) --Isaac Asimov. --facebook.com/photo/?fbid=508929941445518&set=a.480063330998846
Chinese spy _______ finds no info at Fox News. Waste of a perfectly good _______, President Xi moans. (dirigible) --Satirist Andy Borowitz, "New Yorker," 03/13/23
Profound, heavy --google.com
Professional sports tour financed by Saudi Arabia. (2 words) --Wikipedia
Extended Range --abbreviations.com
Attacking and robbing ships at sea --google.com
With 7M people (2020), has the highest population in the New England region. (state, abbrev.) --Wikipedia
Longest running tv series, 1990-present --facebook.com/photo/?fbid=793800832108627&set=a.610868297068549
KA to AL direction (abbrev.) --google.com/maps
Ship private rooms --google.com
Go-around, fight --google.com
Dimensions of a movie (initials)
Not a key US interest (country) --DeSantis. --nytimes.com/2023/03/13/us/politics/ron-desantis-*******-tucker-carlson.html
Inhabited by a Muskogean-speaking tribe, then a Spanish territory, then French, British, American, Confederate and then American again. (state, abbrev.) --Wikipedia
Touching CO and MO --google.com/maps
The opposite of "wrinkly" --"Citywide Cleaners" marquee sign. (outcome deliberately contrary to what's expected) --facebook.com/photo/?fbid=695263292390982&set=a.335667448350570
Nearly 200,000 people were admitted to ____hospitals due to air pollution. (nationality) --newsinfo.inquirer.net/1741747/nearly-200000-people-admitted-to-hospitals-as-********-chokes-on-pollution
Played Jean Brodie, Minerva McGonagall, Muriel Donnelly, Violet Crawley --Wikipedia