The Songhai Empire reached the height of its power during ******** Ture's reign.
Al-*****, an 11th- century Muslim traveler to Ghana, wrote about the Ghanaian king's court.
This is the earth's second-largest continent.
A ********* society was a group of independent villages that were organized by clans and ruled by a local chieftain or clan head.
In the 14th century in *****, two monumental buildings were constructed of coral cut from the cliffs along the shore.
African religious beliefs were challenged, but not always replaced, by the arrival of *****.
Beginning in the 8th century, ******* from the Arabian Peninsula and the Persian Gulf began to settle in eastern port cities.
A key element in African religion was the importance of *********.
A special class of storytellers who help keep alive a people's history.
By putting so much gold into *********** in such a short time, Mansa Musa caused its value to fall.
Societies in which descent is traced through the father.
The epic of ******** tells the story of the first Mali king and was passed down by griots.
In the first millennium B.C., farming peoples who spoke dialects of the ***** family of languages began to move from the Niger River region into East Africa.
Africa includes **** different climate zones.
Today Swahili is the national language of Kenya and ********.
This is a type of geographical landscape: a high, flat area.
From about 1300 to about 1450, ******** was the wealthiest and most powerful state in southern Africa.
Under the leadership of ***** Ali, Songhai began to expand.
This is a broad grassland dotted with small trees and shrubs.