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Confined Space Entry

If a hazard appears during entry, the work should be _____ and the space evacuated.
The _____ Supervisor must sign the Entry Space Permit.
The ______ is the person who enters & works in the space.
The _____ monitors what goes on inside & outside the Confined Space.
A Confined Space is large enough to work in but entry & exit are physically ______ or restrictive.
A Confined Space is not designed for continuous _____.
Possible hazardous conditions would include flammable _____, vapors, dusts, or toxic contaminants.
The best practice is to bring your work _______.
One possible hazardous condition is too much or too little ________.
Confined Space training is designed to protect workers from _______.
OSHA requires yearly ______ regarding Confined Spaces.
"_____ Work" describes welding, riveting, cutting, burning, & heating.