Our favorite small-town sleuths
Your first email in the 90's
Increases your chance of getting into Modelland by 97% (or to 97%?)
An impressive set-up for accessing the Oasis.
"__, a name I call myself"
He eats raw tofu and harasses Susan: Hal_ _ _.
The hero of Cline's duology
Enforcing the Super Constitution: The Killing ___
Upbeat musical subgenre that peaked in the 90s
You can be + or - for this blood protein (most pregnant women get tested for it)
Persistent pains (like Thorn Drumheller is constantly beset with.)
20th century Chinese revolutionary
Thorn Drumheller AKA _____
The most difficult name to pronounce in the world...for Connor.
Popular game for kids: __Blox.
The mid-podcast literary quiz
His parents love angels and Shakespeare!
Greek sisterhood at univeristies.
Something none of these book authors seem willing to submit to
Thrash thinks you're trash unless you have this certification!
Tekwar slang (apparently common in certain regionalities)
Long running multiplatform RPG
Author of The Once and Future King _ _ White