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Cochlea Physiology

Connect top of shorter stereocilia to insertion plaques on the side of taller neighbor
Stereocilia in curved line
0 mv charge
Changing potentials (electrical charge) looks like an _____________
Gives protection to vestibule, semicircular canals and cochlea
Originates from the spiral ganglion cells of the auditory nerve
_______ of basal BM makes for fast conduction times & small amplitudes
Deflect away from kinocilia
Deflect towards kinocilia
Permanent SNHL (usually severe-to-profound) & vestibular dysfunction (vertigo)
Doesn’t mimic stimulus, but follows envelope of stimulus
One of the causes of unilateral hearing loss
Stereocilia in W shape
Interplay of TW inertial forces and BM mass & stiffness
Plays a significant role in BM fine tuning & reverse transduction
Frequency (Hz) is determined by stapes _______
______ of apical BM slows traveling wave speed & increases amplitude of deflections
Is determined by how much the stapes is moving
+ 80 mv charge
Decreased blood supply