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The Three Government Branches

Teacher: Trolinger
Laws enacted by the legislature
What protects society from the wrong doing of an individual
Jointly funded federal and state healthcare program for low income individuals
A group of political party members
Releases an offender from most consequences of a criminal conviction
An injury or wrong done to a person that can be compensated with the payment of money
One who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture
Avoidance of the wasteful or destructive use of
Redraws the voting district boundries
The second house in the legislature is the house of
A person in a legislature's district
Population counting every ten years
What deals with the relationships between and among individuals
What court has the authority to interpret and apply the law
To take a case to a higher court or rehearing
A major component of economic development
Head of state government
A house in the legislature
A crime which is punishable by death
What protects society from the wrong doing of an individual
Allows the governor to veto specific spending proposals without vetoing the entire bill
The Constitution forbids a state from entering into this with another country
A manmade lake used to collect and store water
Conditionally releases a prisoner after he has served a portion of his sentence
To file a lawsuit against a party
Shortage of funds
A serious offense regarded as an injury to society
A group of citizens who hear evidence in a legal case and can make a decision based on the evidence