First miracle of Christ was performed at a wedding in ____
First Bishop of Wilmington
First location of Holy Cross Church was on _____ Street, Dover.
First Apostle chosen after the death of Christ (to replace Judas)
First Angel in the Bible appear to ____. (Gen 16:7-8)
First person killed in the Bible
First Priest to receive full orders (minor/major) and be ordained in the United States: Demetrius _____.
First city mentioned in the Bible (Get 4:17)
The first two words of the last sentence of the last book of the Bible (Revelation)
First native-born American to be canonized
One of the first two cities destroyed by God in the Bible.
First-born son of Adam and Eve
Noah is the first person in the Bible to get ____. (9:21)
First plague God visited on Egypt changed the water of the ______ (2 words) into blood.
First animal to speak in the Bible? (Genesis, Chapter 2)
First twins in the Bible: Jacob and Esau
First seek this (2 word), "and his righteousness,* and all these things will be given you besides" (Matthew 6:33)
First Queen (wife of King Ahab) to be killed in the Bible?
First Sacrament received by a Christian
First (original) name of Abraham
St. Stephen is considered the first _____.