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Holy Spirit, the Helper (Acts 1-2)

The second place Jesus said his followers would be witnesses.
This is the location where the followers of Jesus waited once they got back to Jerusalem.
Jesus told his followers they would receive this after the Holy Ghost came upon them.
This is the number of people who were saved after hearing Peter preach the first sermon about Jesus.
The people from different countries who heard the followers of Jesus speaking were shocked that they heard them speaking in their own ________.
When the crowd asked Peter what they should do once they realized who Jesus was, and what he had done for them, this is the first thing he told them to do.
The newly saved people would meet together to break _____.
Jesus said his followers would be his witnesses unto the uttermost part of the _______.
The second thing Peter told the crowd to do once they knew who Jesus was, was to be ________ in the name of Jesus Christ.
This was the color of the clothing worn by the two angels who spoke to the people watching Jesus ascend into heaven.
The first place Jesus said that his followers would be witnesses.
This received Jesus in the sky as he was taken up into heaven.
Jesus said that his followers would be baptized with the ____ ______ (also called the Holy Spirit) soon after he left.
This is the day when the Holy Spirit came and filled the followers of Jesus; the name of this day means "Fiftieth" in Greek because it was fifty days since Easter Sunday.
These images made of fire appeared above each of Jesus' followers.
The sound of the Holy Spirit coming down is described as a ________ mighty wind.
The third place Jesus said his followers would be witnesses.
Peter said that this prophet spoke about the Holy Spirit being poured out onto all people.