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Alan Turing Crossword Puzzle

Devices that Turing contributed to the design of
The university Turing attended.
Machinery/Equipment that are derived from scientific knowledge
One of Turing's only real childhood friends
The park Turing worked at during his code breaking efforts throughout World War 2
The actual programs used by computers. Turing's theoretical ideas laid the groundwork for this.
A test to determine whether or not a computer is capable of thinking as a human being.
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, etc.
The country Turing lived in and worked for.
Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, etc.
A defining aspect of Turing's life that ultimately led to his arrest and downfall.
The encryption machine that the Germans used to hide their messages.
The machine Turing and the code-breakers designed to combat Enigma
The enemy during World War 2 that was behind the Enigma machine.
The country that gave Britain a replica of the Enigma machine before they were invaded.
A pastime Turing took part in and was exceptionally good at.