Sideways herald to the hungry and squinting
Likes Border Guard, but don't mistake it for an Artifact
Reduces the cost opp. can afford to pay
Actions atop either deck dead when he is played initially
An example of how Workshop Boon may be abbreviated
Cleans trash to avoid VP penalty
This pile's synergy with Paddock is strong AF
Scepter's eco-friendly function?
Sparrow takes too long to Swashbuckle
Prominent feature of true cobblers that masq masks lack.
Holland's haven for normal play of actions
In which Taki struggles with mystic mechanic
Green glass feature of any cobbler that masq masks lack
Append this, and a zodiac sign is imbalanced toward DtX
Child appears to be getting 25 Acrossed, but it's probably his fault.
When united with Treasurer, summons giant Marshmallow demon
80s kids akin to strongest discard atk discovered this weak discard(?) atk
They struggle to keep their Minstrels and Bards straight
When one dabbles in the Paula and the Simon, alternatingly
By partaking in this crossword, I the participant hereby acknowledge that Crypt is this
Aside from quality, why other games shouldn't copy the Dominion logo
Shortest word appearing in the name of any state
They're very hot in Sub-50 environments
Can play Actions, but not Commands, but isn't a Command, but can't play itself
Where 1st action ends up when swindled by $3 atk?
This vowel pair appears only once in the text of any card: in the title of one named here
Neither trasher nor cost reducer, despite religious and infrastructural themes
"I just realized this interaction doesn't work like I thought it did"
Next to the place that remodels viciously?
Waxes poetic about the days when you didn't need to trash copper to be decent
With 'out', to extract main draw from Mastermind, or action from Sacrifice+Sleigh?